Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Crimes Essay

Aside from the identified purpose of the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), it is formulated in such a way that it classifies the types of crimes under two categories: Part I and Part II. The facts and data of the UCR under Part I is more extensive in terms of the scope of the information in the report when compared to Part II. The facts and data in Part I include other necessary information such as profile of the criminal. In Part II, the rate of arrests for specific crimes are only present in the UCR. Part I crimes are closely monitored by law enforcement because crimes categorized under Part I are violent crimes and crimes against property. Categorizing crimes under two parts, I and II, determines the gravity or the impact of crimes to the public. Part I crimes are more grave, considering that crimes under Part I include rape, robbery, burglary, larceny, arson, etc. These are potentially serious crimes that law enforcement should prioritize in order to uphold peace and order to society. Part II offenses are less serious including crimes such as vandalism, fraud, drug abuse violations, etc. In some instances, law enforcement implements measures that seem to increase the statistics of crime occurrences. However, when we look deeper into the matter, we realize that the increase in crime statistics contribute to the improvement of society. In such instances, positive results from increased crime statistics are observable in Part II crimes. Increasing crime statistics catch the attention of the public, alarming them to be vigilant about their surroundings in order to prevent criminal offenses from taking place. For instance, reports reveal to the public that there is an increase in the number of reported stolen property crimes in the community. This raises the awareness of the people, and since it is a non-violent crime, they are willing to get involved with crime prevention. People decide to engage in neighborhood watch, community policing, and other law enforcement activities that will assist official law enforcement agencies in preventing crime, affording them enough time and manpower to focus on grave crimes categorized under Part I. Offenses such as prostitution and drug abuse violations motivate people in the community to get involved with discovering or reporting violators to law enforcement agencies. Another advantage of reporting increase in crime rates is to empower people to get involved with crime prevention. Offenses against family and children, for instance, have increased. Law enforcement will interpret the statistic in such a way that it expresses the increase in the number of people who reported criminal offenses, and further continue that the increase in the number of people who report criminal violations to the police helps law enforcement in crime prevention. The police might convince the people to report criminal violations because it is one way for law enforcement agencies to know criminal trends and analyze these trends to come up with plans and resolutions to prevent crime.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Evidence based practice Essay

There is a need for health services stipulation to apply the best evidence instead of applying the customary methods (Stevens et al, 2001). However, this is only possible if practitioners, researchers, scholars, politicians, managers and public in general conducted a high quality research. Different methods of researches that are evident-based tend to have lack support from most users. This is because those researches are lack of proper referencing which the reviewer could not access. This module has requisite us to articulate the definition of evidence based practice, analyzing different forms of evidence and reflect on possible tactics utilized in the implementation of evidence based practice. To aid me in achieving those outcomes, I have use resources from database like ebscohost, books, researches, journals and search engine like Google. The paper I choose focuses on a descriptive-correlation method of research based on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique. This research is vital due to several cases of surgical infection taking place in operating room. The aim of the study is to determine the information and extent of applying sterile technique among operating room nurses in four selected hospitals in Samar, Philippines. Globalization comes with a large number of professional developments and policies especially in the nursing sector. Working in a government hospital in the Middle East, and attached to operating department is tough because research carried out on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile techniques clearly shows a clear association between knowledge and practice (Luo et al,2010). This study was conducted on four hospitals in Philippines. Inclusion standards were set for this study is participation among nurses are nurses with permanent employment, nurses who agreed to participate on this study and nurses working in the identified hospitals. The research concludes that knowledge has a positive effect on the extent of practice by the nurses. Different International bodies as Commission for health improvement prove that evidence based practice is researched on daily basis by different scholars. Evidence based practice (EBP) requires the  nurse to be able to apply his/her knowledge in operations without necessarily consulting. EBP Sackett et al (2000) denote evidence-based practice is a popular discipline that applies in clinical practices since 1992, and started with the medicine sector as Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). It later spread out to other fields like nursing, education, dentistry, psychology, and library among others. EBP demands that these practical decisions need to come from confirmed research studies, and they should interpret according to particular EBP norms. EBP is the incorporation of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. This explanation emphasizes on the patient’s situations, goals, available evidence and the practitioner’s expertise. However, there are some patients who reject the administration based on their different culture and values. Besides that, the practitioner might understand underlying hindrances like finances that may halt the application of EBP. Evidence Based Practice in nursing includes the major decisions made by the professionals, which in my area includes the surgeries. Some of these decisions include appraising, accessing, and integrating research evidence with their professional judgment and with their clinical decision-making (Department of Health, 2002). The research on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile techniques intention is to identify the extent of nurses applying their knowledge in practice pertaining sterile technique. There are several factors on why nurses are reluctant to apply EBP in their daily work. Evidence based practice include making decisions by combining any knowledge acquired from the nursing practice, patients inclination, and applying research evidence. It means that the nurses have a variety of options including sitting back and watching, or taking action based on their experience. Nevertheless, the decision made is crucial hence it need brainwave. A clinical question is essential before making evidence-based decision. So, it is important to search for a suitable EBP to help in making the right decision at the particular situation. Lastly, the nurse evaluates the different effects of the action taken. Strengths of EBP Since the early years of Florence Nightingale, research became popular till the first nursing journal published in United States in 1952 which began considering evidence based practice. Nightingale is famous for her systematic thinking and applied religious faith that favored systematic approach. According to Keith (1988), Nightingale had a good access to governmental information and other material making her work knowledge based. She applied graphical presentation in form of pie and bar charts unlike others who used tables. The health ministry requested Royal College of Nursing in 1966 to examine the effectiveness of nursing. From then onwards, various research programs came up including Information provision and wound care. Anyhow, Rodgers (2000) noted that the progress of EBP is slow but it is successful as the years go. Utilization of evidence-based knowledge broadens the relationship between the nurses and the management like the clinicians. Another major strength in evidence-based practice includes a research carried out around 1990’s on the physical constraint normally applied on older frail generation. The result showed harmful and prolonged routines thus it made a change in the national policy within acute care hospices and long-term care settings (Evans et al, 2006). These changes presented a drop in constrained home care residents from 1980s 75% to 2004s 8%. Nurses applied excessive pressure on the elderly without realizing of the psychological torture involved. Weaknesses of Evidence Based Research Today, science has expanded and advance compare to those years during Nightingale years. In spite of this progressive development, there is still a gap on contemporary knowledge and the extensive adoption to improve the health sector. Bass (2010) stated EBP appliance in nursing profession is similar in all fields or disciplines. The major challenge is the readiness to apply these evidence-based researches due to different drawbacks that include lack of understanding, inclusion, and lack of necessary education programs. To further strengthen this argument, Pravikov et al (2005) mention most nurses have two years degree program which does not accommodate evidence based practice. Moreover, EBP weakness also includes accessing of vital information on the research done. The information gathered in research  is publishing in various resources like database, journals, health magazines, newspapers, books and online. Therefore, users find it difficult to access especially in work place. In nursing, the clinical specialists and the doctors who own higher skills in recognizing problems, analyzing, and translating are far from reach. Hence, they are hesitated to apply EBP in their practice. Usefulness of Evidence Based Practice in my clinical Practice Perioperative nurse must be knowledgeable on sterilized technique. Reflecting on my experience being a perioperative nurse for five years now, to enhance better understanding on the importance of sterile technique and the consequences of not applying sterile technique, EBP is the best tactic. For instance, EBP is based on studies done on sterile technique and they show result for not applying sterile technique may lead to surgical infection. EBP make perioperative nurses like me acknowledge importance of sterile technique and we are accountable for patient’s safety. Hereafter, nurses could make decision-making on evidence-based in their practice. It is crucial for nurses to be familiar with different decisions they partake and consider the consequences associated with the decision made. It is also important for nurses to be given the necessary skills required to enable them construct the vital questions and efficiently and effectively look for the available study evidence that best applies to these questions. The research on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice evidently show that many nurses have not applied their knowledge in practice. Helpful information that I picked in this study is the importance of sterilizing the operating instrument. This study based on surgical sites infections that are common in most operating rooms. Globally, studies shows that, 2-5% of the patients undergoing operation suffer from surgically related infections. This definitely raises most hospital concern and wants more research to be carried out in order to identify where the problem lies. Surgical site infection causes many deaths during the operations, and that is the reason why different strategies like sterilizing technology came up. Many patients have died because of infected surgical wound and this calls for an evidence based study to resolve the prevailing problem. EBP faces major emphasis from  American Psychological Association (APA), American Nurses Association, Occupational Therapy Association, and American Physical Theory association. In psychiatry, rehabilitation, medicine, psychology, and other professional bodies, loose bodies of knowledge apply, and this is a major drawback on their performances. Evidence based practice begins with a profiling research which informs the professionals and their clients what works best for them. Easy access to EBP information enhances both clients and the practitioners to identify their helpful treatment before intervention starts. Methodology tool The article that I will critic is on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique by Leodoro et al (2012)(Appendix 1).I have choose this article as it has link with my profession and it is very knowledgeable for me being a perioperative nurse. The critic tool that I have chosen is step by step guidelines in critiquing a quantitative research study by Coughlan et al (2007)(Appendix 2). The methodology tool applied in this study was descriptive-correlation research method. The descriptive method describes the knowledge and the extent of which the nurses applied the sterilization technique in practice. In addition, the correlation method is dissimilar relationships among the different variables used. This study was conducted in four hospitals in Philippines and the results are based on answers by nurses with permanent employment, nurses who agreed to participate on this study and nurses working in the identified hospitals. There are three-part questionnaire consisted of demographics profiles of the participants. This part carries 10 multiple-choice questions and 10 general questions with an expected score of 20, and intended to measure the nurse’s knowledge scope using sterilized instruments. Questionnaire 11 includes a checklist whereby the participants rated out of 5 points with 1 being lowest rate. The data analyzed through inferential and descriptive statistics consisting of frequency, standard deviation, percentage and mean. Critiquing Descriptive-correlation Tool Analyzing research studies require suitable tool looking at the methodology used. Tanner (2003) suggests these tools normally bear questions that aid the analyzer in determining the different steps followed in this research.  It is notable that some steps are more vital than others. Descriptive-correlation tool applied in this study is credible based on many factors. The researcher uses simple language that is easy to understand without consultation. This means there are no scientific jargons that sometimes pose a threat to the readers. The authors seem to understand the subject matter clearly according to the list of questions in their questionnaire. The questionnaire cover most elements related to the operating room’s practice. For instance, hand washing, scrubbing, intraoperative phase and circulator role. The purpose of this study is vital due to several incidents that related to surgical wound infection. In the article abstract, they mention the overview of their study, including the research problem which is in prevention of surgical site infection and contamination, sterile technique need to be implemented. They also remark the sample, methodology, finding and recommendations which is mention earlier in the need for the nurses to control and protect the patients from surgical site infections. The grammar used in this study is straightforward, easy to understand and systematically arranged. Usually, a reader like me demands an interesting research that motivates us to continue analyzing, and this presents well in the above-mentioned analysis. There are certain factors that strengthen this research, which includes the identification of the research problem. The hypothesis used is that most nurses have th e knowledge on sterile techniques but due to some reasons, they fail to apply it in practice. Some nurses bear the knowledge but they lack the confidence to put this evidence-based research into practice. There are four major reasons that limit the nurses from using EBP. Retsas (2008) stated research reports similar to the above-mentioned are normally complex, statistical, academic and nurses find it difficult to interpret or work with the research products. The research article on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique is a study that is markedly academic and statistical. This may cause confusion to nurses during interpretation. The results are graphical and the nurse might have problems understanding it. This particular research is consistent and any nurse whether a graduate or a trainee can easily relate to it except of the graphical result. Beginning from the introduction, methodology, participants, instrument analysis, results and conclusion, the study is systematic with a great flow of intense  knowledge. The researcher clearly links each step to the other with the objective of the study, which follows with a literature review. In their literature review, the research is rather shallow compared to other great researches. It is lacked of specific details on the occasions where nurses have failed to apply the technology and the consequences that follow. The literature failed to analyze the different surgical tools applied in the operating rooms by the nurses. However, they identified the hospital and the need for the research. The literature should include the history of evidence-based practice including when it began and why. The hypothetical structure lacks in this study, which is necessary for reader who needs to understand and analyze the research. The researchers did not go in depth into the subject matter although the introduction had a good review of the search information. In terms of theoretical framework, which is a necessity in most researches (Basset & Basset 2003), the author failed to identify a conceptual model that would assist the reader as guidance. The research paper is lacked of proper relationship between different concepts in its literature. However, most theoretical frameworks work best in experimental and quasi-experimental researches unlike in descriptive studies similar to the above mentioned. According to Dale (2005) in every research, it is vital to identify the main question and this was not seen in this research. For example, the researcher should have asked how competent the management of the operating room is in educating their staffs on sterile technique. This would assist the researches in analyzing the situation because the failure to practice sterile technique could be perioperative nurses not sent for continuous education leading to lack of competency. These questions are likely to come from patients or the nurses themselves. The questions may derive from the customary practices or from different literature. The sample in this study, for me the size is relatively small compared to the many operating rooms in P hilippines. Anyhow, the choice of participants in regards to age group, and gender is great. In terms of experience, the researcher should have picked people with longer experience in the job. Most of the participants are below five years’ experience in this research. The attendance for educational training of these participants is equally poor so it could not provide a conclusive result. The distribution of the sample is also inadequate because female participants are 73% compared to their male  counterparts who are at 23%. A bigger sampling in all categories would have provided a better data analysis. This study was carried out in hospitals and chances for the nurses were conversant with the subject at hand. However, the participants were from only one-region hospitals and different issues may have limited their voluntary information. At times, the participants are not sure of their confidentiality, despite them signing confidentiality forms; they still have the fear of being exposed. The nurses could fear intimidation from the superiors, and this drives them to give false information in favor of the organization. The researcher got the approval from the ethics committee at Samar Provincial hospital, and the other hospitals before they began conducting their research. No participants were forced or harm during the survey. Neither there was any bias because the respondents were not selected purposively. In the operational definitions, the researcher ensured that the reader fully comprehended the study by applying simple concepts and terms in the research (Parahoo, 2006). The researchers have used clear and simple understanding terms to carry out this study. The research design used in the research on operating room nurses’ knowledge and practice of sterile techniques is a descriptive-correlation method, which is a recent method of study that is very effective. This is because it integrates the description of the nurses’ knowledge and the extent at which they practice the use of sterile technique together with a correlation analysis showing the relationship between the two variables. However, most of these studies relate because the objective regards patterns in group behaviors, tendencies, averages, and properties (Robson 2002). There is a possibility of mentality to take place as most of the researches done clinical credibility because these research products are not conclusive. This is a major drawback for nurses to agree in applying the results (recommendation) which also decrease the confidence in the products used for the survey like the questionnaire and the sample. In my opinion, the study did not succeed to offer a proper clinical direction and so the nurses prefer not to use them. Most nurses prefer a research that is more prescriptive and clinical concerning their work place. The data collection is similar to a quantitative methodology of research whereby different data that includes questionnaires, interviews, and observation tools used. These tools are appropriate with the study aim. Then again, questionnaires are  prevalent with different sets of closed questions and few with multiple choices and others with direct answers. The overall reliability and validity was discussed in the weakness and strength of the study done. It was describe as good but not perfect. Its validity, which is its ability to measure the content (Wood et al, 2006), is downcast due to the number of samples were insufficient (21 participants) and also from one region only. For the tool’s reliability, Wood et al (2006) stated reliability is to accurately measure and consistently measure the theory which being studied which was done in this research. The researchers have always emphasized on the extent of sterile technique practice throughout the study. This study had a pilot study, which assisted the researcher in making some adjustments in their research. The researcher’s data analysis is a well-analyzed methodology since it is not complex and daunting. The ratings are clear and easy to understand. For instance, they used descriptive statistics that include the percentage, frequency, standard deviation and mean. The interpretation of the results included 0-7 as â€Å"needed improvement†, 8-10 as â€Å"fair†, 11-13 as â€Å"good†, 14-16 as â€Å"very good†, and 14-16 as â€Å"excellent†. This is quite an easy interpretation and anyone is able to analyze and understand. These are inferential tests and it helps the researcher in identifying the relationship among variables. The researcher discussed the findings in simple and clear terms. The researcher has a logical flow of information and the hypothesis is clearly supported by these findings. This study bears significance in its findings as per Russell (2002), and the researcher specifies every result without generalizing it. They reported each section independently whether it could be gender, age, experience and number of training attended. As mention earlier, the perioperative nurses have knowledge of using sterile techniques but rarely apply them in practice (Luo et al 2010). The research also concluded that half of the nurses had the knowledge on sterile technique. In Goiana hospital, 75.6% seemed to understand the standard precautionary measures on surgical site infection (Melo et al 2006). Most researched documents have no references, which makes them less favorable. There are known perspectives on accessibility of information and they include the humanistic ideology which involves the notion that human resource is most accessible. There is also a strong belief that local information derived from locally developed technologies is more  accessible. The latest technologies information can be retrieve from internet easily accessible. However, the researcher did not mention much on recommendation for nurses to apply sterile technique in practice which is vital in guiding the readers. Discussion The study’s hypothesis that majority of the operating room nurses have the knowledge on implementing sterile technique, but seldom apply it in practice have been achieved as end result of the study. The findings confirmed that the nurses held a strong knowledge of the use of sterile technique according to the table 6 that showed the correlation between knowledge and the extent of use of sterile technique by the participating nurses. The discussion is clear and well elaborated in simple terms. The researcher explains the underlying causes on why nurses rarely apply the knowledge into practice. The issue of occupational culture where questioning is unpopular should be contested, and the nurses should ask any questions in the event of uncertainty. The information on sterile technique and importance of it should be taught to nurses by sending them for educational trainings or emphasize it at all times in work place. This information should be accessible especially the evidence-bas ed literature in order for the evidence-based practice to be implemented. For instance, books related to operating room and patient’s safety should be kept in operating department where nurses can access them anytime when needed. The researchers also discuss on the strength and limitation of their study which is appropriate as it helps the reader determine the reliability of the study and also the choice to implement it or not. The strength of the study is to ensure there was no selection bias; the respondents were inclusive of the entire population of operating room nurses in four identified hospitals for the investigation. Nevertheless, a wider variety of hospitals would have added this strength. Furthermore, the research shows that the investigation is from one province only, which weakens its strength. The discussion also noted the weakness in the questionnaire method of research because it lacked some details like. It is also clear that some participants fear telling the truth despite their secrecy assurance. However, the research discussion is clear on its demerits, and although it does not offer any suggestion on a further research, it is vital to have a more detailed study on the same  issue. Most researchers offer recommendation because their researches are not conclusive which this particular researcher failed to apply. The referencing in this study is very accurate especially on the in text citation. Most researches fail to offer the in text citation and leaves the readers struggling on locating the referencing. The higher number of references, the stronger the research perceives. Different methods of researches that are evident-based tend to have lack support from most readers. This research had 18 references, which is the average number, required for any research. However, more references would have strengthened the research. This study has much merit but the method requires evaluation. The sampling requires a larger demographic region in order to accommodate more representatives of the participants. It is crucial for perioperative nurses to apply their knowledge on sterile technique in practice. If sterile technique is not applied during surgery it may lead to surgical infection which will harm the vulnerable patients which may also cause death if not treated well. Conclusion The study on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique is a vital research globally and it was fairly conducted. Further research is recommended because this problem continues due to frequent changes in technology and management. The nurses should implement a more basic role in services through application of their skills while addressing questions from outside clinical range. This would in return increase their service demands from the environs. For skills development, the nurses should complement their hands-on function within the department. These nurses should be able to apply their developmental products effectively in order to prove everyone else wrong. People have failed to recognize the efforts applied by the nurses. The management and the clinical experts need to recognize and appreciate the nurses’ efforts through understanding their skills. After all, the management should ensure the nurses knowledge, resources, and skills are readily available in order to assist implementation. This only happens if the research information is excellent, with clarity and enough strength to hinder any doubts from reviewers. References American Psychological Association. (2006). APA presidential task force on evidence based practice. Washington, DC: Barker P. (2000) Reflections on caring as a virtue ethic within an evidence-based culture. International Journal of Nursing Studies 37, 329–336. Bucknall T. (2003) The clinical landscape of critical care: nurses’ decision-making. Journal of Advanced Nursing 43(3), 310–319. 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Monday, July 29, 2019

The Plan for a Workplace Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Plan for a Workplace Negotiation - Essay Example The negotiation between the union and the company will help to understand the issues which can affect the employees and affect the workplace environment thus needed to be sorted by the agreement between the two. In the present scenario out of the several issues the most considerable one which need to be focused and get agreement on are- i. The productivity benefits which the company has set are needed to be negotiated by the union to increase the percentage share for the employees as they are responsible for the production process. ii. The work timing should be agreement of total work hour of the employees in the whole year as performance varies from time to time and between employees. Employees need flexible timing in their workplace to suit their work and requirement of job. iii. The employees should be given some time to settle down and understand the work to perform. Thus the agreement should be done for a long term of minimum 2 years. iv. Lastly the joint venture committee is re quired to negotiate and convey information to the management about the employees to help the management to understand employees’ viewpoint before taking any decision. ... Question 2: Which overall strategy might you adopt? a) That is, a co-operative or a competitive strategy? Why? The strategy which should be implemented by the union is co-operative bargain strategy. In case of competitive bargaining process the negotiation between the parties lead to the utilization of power and tactics to reach their own goal (Beyond Intractability, 2010). There is a situation of win-lose in the outcome process. Management being in a strong position to implement strategies have better chances of winning in a competitive process. The union since have the plan of negotiation of the different issues will be more comfortable with the co-operative process in negotiation strategy. Co-operative process will help both the parties to seek a win-win position through mutual beneficial settlement on the issues. Interest based bargaining process through co-operation can lead to beneficial agreement and solve the problem which has arise in the organization as through co-operation the company will also be able to understand the cause of such conflict to cope in near future (Beyond Intractability-a, 2010). b) When will you use these strategies? That is, i) Which phases are likely to be used and why? and The phases of negotiation can be divided into broadly three stages which are needed to be followed by the union and the organization for a successful negotiation process. The phases can be referred as preparation, seeking agreement and finally the implementation of the outcome ideas and the negotiation (Humanitarian Negotiations with Armed Groups, 2006). Of the three phases ‘seeking agreement’ is the phase where the co-operative strategy is to be implemented by the workers’ union.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Introduction to Organisations and Management Essay - 6

Introduction to Organisations and Management - Essay Example In this work, we assess two organizations from the perspective of the science of organisations and management. As we make the assessment, we identify some of the most useful lessons from the module. The objectives of this work are as follows: 1. Compare two firms and use concepts and perspectives from the science of organisations and management that are useful for comparing and assessing the firms. 2. Analyze firm operations using perspectives from organisations and management. 3. Apply the relevant concepts and perspectives from organisations and management in forwarding recommendations on the how problems and situations articulated on the two firms can be addressed. In the discussion, we use a report rather than an essay format. In our analysis, we are also informed by the theories discussed in Module BB115007S conducted by Ms. H. McIntosh of the Anglia Ruskin University. 2.0. Overview on the Firms Being Compared 2.1. The two firms being assessed and compared in this work are Watso ns Engine Components and H&M Consulting. The two business organisations are disparate. 2.2. Watsons Engine Components is a family-owned company engaged in mass-producing parts for car engines. Its plant is in northeast England. The firm employs 200 people, comprising of 125 semi-skilled production workers, 15 clerical workers, 20 technical staff, and 40 managers. The plant is â€Å"highly unionised† with one union for the manual and clerical staff. There is a long history of poor relations between the union and management marked by industrial actions. Watsons has been described as successful in maintaining market share in the last several years. However, car manufacturing firms who are Watsons’ customers are in a highly competitive environment and have the option to get their supplies from abroad. Watsons is encountering the following challenges: order times are getting short, contract prices are becoming lower, and quality standards are becoming higher. Despite the ab ility to maintain a market share, maintaining its market share is a continuing challenge for Watsons in a globalized market. Watsons plant is small and â€Å"relatively old-fashioned†. Yet, at the same time, the firm is described to have â€Å"sufficient capital† to replace some of its machinery and technological systems. 2.3. Meanwhile, H&M Consulting is â€Å"a large global management, engineering and development consultancy.† The company has grown through merger and acquisitions. At first, H&M was established from the merger of two consultancy firms. Later on, H&M purchased several companies in the Romania, the Netherlands, and the USA. H&M Operations now cover 120 countries employing 13,000 staff. The company is in transport, energy, buildings, water, the environment, health, education, and communications. H&M Consulting caters to clients in both the private and public sectors. 2.4. A part of the explanation on why the two firms differ in their management an d organization is in their business orientation: one firm is global and the other tends to transact with local clients and belongs to an old industry in the United Kingdom. Of course, this does not mean that all firms oriented to the local market are managed along traditional lines. Students of management are exposed to various schools of modern thought. Unfortunately, some of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Refute Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Refute - Essay Example Even with the possibilities of encouraging the American citizens to take the lowly esteemed jobs, currently under the hands of the claimed illegal immigrants, by raising the minimum wage, legal Americans who are less endowed with skills will lose their jobs. Similarly, the author’s campaign for rising of minimum wages, to encourage the legal citizens of America to assume the job places they have shunned cannot be founded on facts, because there could be other reasons why Americans develop negative attitudes towards the said jobs. Moreover, putting minimum wage in place can decrease the productivity of American industries, and the competing foreign industries would have a better hand in the market, which will detriment the economy. At the same time, some small industries that may not be able to accommodate the set minimum wage would close down. By increasing the minimum wage, and not putting measures against the illegal immigration, can lead to advantaging the already settled immigrant by enhancing their pay. The illegal immigration is thus better dealt with by employing other avenues than raising the minimum wage. The building of walls as recommended by the president can reduce the illegal, immigrations as per se, by approaching the problem from its basis. Building walls does not have to imply to what the authors have made it (Dukaki & Mitchel, 2006). A better dimension of its application can be obtained objectively instead of disqualifying the whole package of the idea based on some unfounded hypothesis. After all, strictness is what the issue of illegal immigrations calls for. Finally, viewing the issue of illegal immigrations in the perspectives of wages alone can lose the meaning of the whole

Human Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Behaviour - Essay Example One might ant to cook in order to appease hunger or to gain compliments from a spouse or to save money which would have been spent ordering food. In keeping with this cause-effect relationship, it does seem very easy to advocate that yes, we only do what we want to do. There is a complication however, which might also be considered an exception; fear. One may also do an act out of fear of the consequences if it were not done. For instance, an all too common phenomenon is thousands of people trudging to their workplaces daily out of fear of being fired or the fear of their wages being cut, or fear of awaiting bills. One may cook at home, continuing from an above example, also out of fear of extra calories or germs that outside food may contain. In such cases, strictly speaking, the individual does not want to act, but does so, since not performing the act would result in an unpleasant situation. Another consideration when attempting to figure whether we do only what we want to do, is the conflict between rationale and emotion. As Hume states, "nothing is more usual in philosophy, and even in common life, than to talk of the combat of passion and reason." The concept of what one wants to do then, would fit into the realm of passion or emotion rather than logic or reason. Hume emphasizes that reason alone can never be a motive to any action, nor can it oppose action in the direction of the will. In fact, reason is simply the discovery of the link between a driving emotion and its eventual desired consequences. (Hume, 1882) It is the knowledge of the fact that a particular thing is desired and will be achieved if acted upon in a particular manner. Thus, if reason figures only as a connection and not a cause of action, and emotions translate as 'want to do', it is easily concluded that eventually we only do what we want to do. In any case, whatever the source of action, the individual's primary concern is a selfish one. Whether an action is performed to create a pleasant consequence or to avoid an unpleasant situation, the basic driving force is a self-centered one. This brings us to the second part of the essay - whether there exist any natural virtues, which do not depend upon consequences or convenience, but yet instigate one to act in a particular manner. Strict empirical scientists would say no; it does not make logical sense for people to utilize their energies and resources without any benefit. Furthermore, it goes contrary to the survival instinct which pushes one to behave so as to obtain maximum advantages. Added, such behaviour, which social scientists now recognize as altruism, if engaged in often enough and by too many people, would completely overhaul the wheels of societies and economies that are governed by gain oriented cause-effect relationships. James Fieser emphasizes that natural virtues, (which include benevolence, meekness, charity and generosity) "are instinctive character traits of the agent which give rise to passions which in turn motivate the will to action." (Fieser, 1997) Artificial virtues, which are learnt or developed include justice, keeping promises, allegiance and chastity, and are evident to different degrees in different people, as Hume professes. Since natural virtues are instinctive, they would also be common to all

Friday, July 26, 2019

Technology, Strategy and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Technology, Strategy and Innovation - Essay Example In Europe, firms with less than 10-49 employees are termed small firms, whereas firms with 50 to 249 employees fall under the definition of SMEs. SMEs usually tend to have greater market power than small firms and constitute around 99% of the total global enterprises (Shapira, n.d.). Despite their strength in numbers, a heavily competitive and globalized business environment is causing SMEs to struggle in order to compete effectively with large corporate companies. Particularly so because large companies have greater resources to influence the market power of SMEs. Their vast resources of manpower, materials, machines and money can be used to counter any competitive threat from SMEs. Under such circumstances, innovation in new products and business strategies becomes the only way for SMEs to survive. According to Fagerberg (2004), innovation is the process through which firms create and develop knowledge to develop new and improved products and services. On the other hand, Bordia et al. (2005) define innovation as the ability to define and develop new products and services and deliver them to market. According to Susman et al. (2006, p.16), innovation usually takes place in products, processes and markets. This paper discusses the importance of innovation in SMEs and how it is practiced. Innovation in small enterprises Innovation in firms is usually practiced through six channels: product, process, activities, non-technological, organizational, and marketing. The chart below provides a comparison of the popularity of various innovation channels in SMEs and large organizations. (Shapira, n.d., p. 2) From the chart, it is evident that process and organizational innovation in large organizations is carried out on a larger scale than in SMEs. In all other innovation channels, SMEs are not far behind large organizations. Product and process innovation together are termed as technological innovation because utilization of new technology is an essential characteristic of both. Product innovation utilizes new technology to develop innovative products. The iPhone is a good example of product innovation. When all other mobile phone manufacturers were concentrating on manufacturing traditional mobile phones, Apple came out with a touchscreen phone and created history. Many people have the illusion that technological innovation is the sole monopoly of large organizations. However, such innovation is possible in SMEs too. Bennet (1994, p.147) points out that smaller organizations are even more technologically advanced than the larger ones. It should be noted that when Hotmail was first introduced by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith it was an innovative service. After witnessing its popularity and realizing its potential, Microsoft acquired Hotmail later. Companies such as Google and Apple are busy acquiring the patents of many innovative products and services from SMEs. In short, product innovation in SMEs is not facing any barriers. On the other hand, pr ocess innovation in SMEs is taking place at a slower pace. Process innovation refers to improvements in production and delivery methods. Six Sigma implemented at Motorola is an example of process innovation. The core of process innovation is to eliminate or reduce costs of production, reduce waste, improve marketing and logistics operations, etc. Process innovati

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The work of Michael Craig Martin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

The work of Michael Craig Martin - Essay Example In the work â€Å"Inhale Yellow,† there is a direct statement about the modern day living as well as the complexities which it brings. The techniques which are used in the painting, as well as the overall context which Martin defines creates a specific understanding of the work and what this means in contemporary society. By examining this piece, a spectator can make a direct link to personal, societal and cultural viewpoints that are based on the approach to the painting. Background of Painting The painting, â€Å"Inhale Yellow,† is part of a series of works created by Martin, specifically which were commissioned by the Manchester Art Gallery in May of 2002, specifically for the re-opening that they had during this year. The concept which was introduced by the art gallery was based on contemporary themes that are pertinent to the 20th century. This not only included the piece which is often only referred to as â€Å"yellow,† which is acrylic on canvas and 243.8 x 182.8 cm. Martin also created a series of inhale / exhale pieces that are exhibited by the side of this one, all which go along the side of this theme as well as the Manchester life style that is reflective for the art gallery.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis of a cultural or MICE sector organisation Essay

Analysis of a cultural or MICE sector organisation - Essay Example usually planned well in advance and aimed at achieving a certain corporate, social, political or cultural purpose among many other purposes (Hass et al, 2008). Industry educators propose the use of ‘Events Industry’ as an overall term to represent the wide scope of works under this industry (Brotherton & Wood, 2008). The organizers or firms in this industry offer meeting and conferencing support equipment, catering services, accommodation facilities, transport facilities, training, and so much more that is akin to services in the hospitality industry. A large number of MICE’s components are comprehensively understood, except for incentives which is least understood by many. Incentive tourism is commonly undertaken as an employee reward scheme by organizations as a form of employee reward by companies for targets achieved and success in work. Thus, MICE tourism is, many at times, purely conducted for entertainment purposes rather than educational or professional purposes. This industry usually includes well planned agendas focused on specific topics or themes, such as trade and professional organizations, educational topics or special interest groups. Bidding for MICE events usually occurs long prior to the events. This article reviews a specific firm in this industry within the United Kingdom (U.K) market. The firm under highlight is the U.K based AVC Productions limited (AVC Productions, 2011). This article evaluates the company’s products and services as well as structure, organization, vision and mission of the c ompany. Furthermore, of interest will also be its special focus area or market niche in the industry. The study will also include an analysis that will look into the company’s strategy in order to identify how it competitively strategizes and positions itself within the United Kingdom market. The article will also carry out an analytical review of the company and its position and performance within the industry through common analytical

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critical Thinking Questions - Project Management Essay

Critical Thinking Questions - Project Management - Essay Example In studying a project life cycle, one will find that the phases within a project create deliverables and these deliverables allow the project to move forward to the next step or allow the project to be terminated based on quality outcome or condition of the phase deliverable. If we consider the project life cycle, with its one or more intermediate phases, we would find that projects do share many characteristics. A project is a unique endeavor to produce a set of deliverables within clearly specified time, cost and quality constraints. It is different from standard business operational activities as well as from processes as they: 1) are unique in nature without any repetitive processes; 2) defined by a timescale; 3) have an approved budget; 4) have limited resources; 5) involves an element of risk; and, 5) achieves beneficial change. (Westland 2006, p. 2) Meanwhile, all projects, from technology to architecture, are composed of processes – the series of actions with a common, parent goal in order to create result. It is important to highlight the aspect that people perform processes. Processes within project management monitor and move the project phases along. There are two types of processes. These are the product-oriented processes, the activities that complete a project’s phase and life cycle; and, the project management processes, which are the activities that are universal to all projects. (Phillips 2003, p. 85) One of the major problems in project planning is identifying how long tasks will take and what it will cost to accomplish them. Inaccurate estimate is a major threat to a project’s success and that missed cost targets could cause trouble and recrimination in project management. The Work Breakdown Structure or WBS is the most useful tool in addressing these problems. The idea of this method is to subdivide a complicated task into smaller tasks, until one reaches a level that cannot be further subdivided. Through this

Monday, July 22, 2019

Chinese Influence On Your Culture Essay Example for Free

Chinese Influence On Your Culture Essay Historically, Vietnam has undergone many wars with some countries all over the world. After each war, Vietnamese culture was influenced by those countries. Especially, China is the huge country, which dominated Vietnam for a thousand years, (countryside, n,d). Thus, it is no surprise that Vietnamese culture has been affected by Chinese culture in many aspects such as calendar, language, religion and food. The most obvious influence can be seen is the calendar. In Vietnam, there are two different kinds of calendar. First calendar is International calendar, which is counted by the suns circulation. Another calendar is counted by the moons circulation, which is also known as lunar calendar, (fullmoonphases, n.d). Based on lunar calendar, we have some celebrations such as Lunar New Year, which is also called Tet holiday. It is the most important celebration in both countries. Besides that, in August of lunar calendar, Vietnamese have Moon day on 15th, August, which is known as Mid-Autumn festival. In that day, Vietnamese eat moon cakes and children bring lanterns, walking around their neighbors houses. Vietnam and China share similarities in celebrations due to the effect of Chinese calendar. Secondly, the influence of Chinese culture is apparent in Vietnamese language. Because China colonized Vietnam for over a thousand years, the Vietnamese language developed based on Chinese. In the 13th century, Chu Nom, which was known as Vietnamese writing, was developed but it was not popular in daily life of Vietnamese, (lonelyplanet, n.d). Until the 15th century, Vietnamese still used traditional Chinese language and after the middle of 20th century, it was superseded by the new, Latin alphabet, (languagetranslation, n.d). However, the greatest influence on Vietnamese language is Chinese language. It is about 60% of the Vietnamese words that can be known as original Sino-Vietnamese, (Chinatravel, 2014). Besides language that Vietnamese use daily, Chinese also affect Vietnamese literature. When people go to high school, they have to study creation and poetics in origin from China. Up to now, Chinese language still exists in Vietnam as a valuable subculture. Apart from the influences that have been mentioned above, the transformation of religious views is also remarkable owing to Chinas domination. Confucianism appeared in Vietnam in the first century by Chinese, when they were dominating Vietnam. It advocates a code of social behavior that man ought to observe so as to live in harmony with society and attain happiness in his individual life, (Huynh, n.d). Moreover, this religion has a slight point of view about world beyond and death. Besides that, Buddhism is one of the greatest religions all over the world. It is very popular in Asia, (history, n.d). In the second century B.C. Buddhism was introduced by Chinese and Indian, who came by ocean, (Huynh, n.d). As those religious view dated, they have become popular and developed prosperously in Vietnam, especially Buddhism. Finally, Chinese also has wide impacts on Vietnamese cuisine. Vietnamese have rice and vegetable for their mean meals daily. During the time of domination, Chinese people spread their cooking methods to Vietnamese. For example, they taught Vietnamese how to steam and stew in clay pots, (southeastfood, n.d). Furthermore, in some special occasions, both Vietnamese and Chinese people have typical dishes for each celebration. For instance, Lunar New Year is the biggest festival that has tangerines and oranges. It is known as lucky and wealthy fruit. Nevertheless, Chinese and Vietnamese do not organize tangerines and oranges in fours because this number is believed to have a connection with the death, (chow, n.d). In addition, typical food in Mid-Autumn festival is Moon cake. It is made of flour, pork, egg and a lot of kinds of peas, (chinesefood, n.d). During of this time, Vietnamese usually eat moon cakes and drink tea with their family. It is obvious that thanks to China domination, Vietnamese cuisine had a novel and wonderful break-through. In conclusion, the Vietnamese share many similarities in culture with Chinese because of the domination of Chinese. A thousand years is really such a long time to be colonized. Moreover, when Chinese had dominated Vietnam, they left behind many terrible consequences. For example, many people died and Vietnamese had to live independently during the war, which occurred between  Vietnam and China. On the other hand, Chinese directed Vietnamese about language, religions and cuisine in the period of national construction. Up to present, even though Vietnam is a dependent country and about to become a developed country, Vietnamese culture is still influenced by Chinese.

Young Goodman Brown Essay Example for Free

Young Goodman Brown Essay In the story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, written by author Nathaniel Hawthorne, we are offered opposites in personalities which demonstrates interesting extremes that keeps emotions flowing up and down from affection to fear in this book. Faith is a loving and kind character as Goodman Brown seems fortunate in finding a companion who desperately wants to be with. She displays acts of genuine affection for her new husband and it’s terribly obvious that she doesn’t want him to ever leave her. This character shows one opposite of the extreme measure by being king, genuine, loyal and loving with Goodman Brown. The old man in this story offers the complete opposite personality as he represents fear and what’s bad in the world. This character also shows complete opposite of what Goodman Brown’s wife is by being old where Faith is young and beautiful. Faith offers safety and security in Goodman’s home where the old man in the forest only allows for deceit and fear. Hawthorne demonstrates gloominess and evil when Goodman Brown leaves the safety of his home and wife. Faith didn’t want her husband to leave her. Possibly, she could sense the danger that awaited her husband with the close bond that they shared in their marriage. In this book, it is easily felt that one should remain on the side of the one that really cares about their safety and happiness and not be deceived by outside forces that threaten what is good in one’s life. Extreme opposites is what I took from the characters and a feeling that an individual should pay attention to those who remain sincere and caring in our lives and avoid outside influences of those who make us feel fear and uncertainty.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Condoms: Advantages and Disadvantages

Condoms: Advantages and Disadvantages Contraception is the control of fertility to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Methods prevent ovulation in the woman, stop sperm from meeting an ovum in the fallopian tube, or prevent a fertilized ovum implant in the uterus. Methods of contraception include total or periodic abstinence from the sexual intercourse (â€Å"Contraception†, 2010, p.167). Contraceptive (2001) provides that contraceptive is â€Å"An agent that prevent conception† (p.333). Contraceptive (2001) also provides that â€Å"Relating to any measure or agent designed to prevent conception† (p.333). This essay briefly outline the historical background of contraception, and then discuss the benefits and risks of one specific form of contraception, followed by a discussion of a range of possible causes of infertility. For all practical purposes the education of the general populace on the subject of contraception was not initiated until the early 1800s. The first systematic work in contraception was begun in 1882 by Dr. Aletta Jacobs of the Netherlands (â€Å"Contraception†, 2014, para. 2). Quarini (2005, pp. 28-30) acknowledge that in 1839, the process of vulcanizing rubber was developed for that reason condom became cheap and widely available. Seamless condoms were being made up in factory by 1890. When liquid latex became available in the mid-1930s, condoms became more reliable. Polyurethane condoms, usable since the 1990s. These are thinner and possibility of break is lower than latex condoms. In addition, they are less likely to cause the allergic reactions and these are not affected by heat There are many discussion about benefits and risks of using condom. The benefit of using condom condoms during sexual intercourse, the infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV – 2) to female is significant decreases according to the first study to examine the effectiveness of condoms in preventing this infection. (Larson et al, 2013, pp. 25-31). According to Tishler (2009, para. 1) Condoms can help to prevent people against herpes. But Tishler (2009) stated that herpes can spread by simple skin contact as well as by sexual intercourse so the protection is only partial. People who used condom only for sometimes was less protection. Another benefits of condom is that it can prevent unwanted pregnancy. According to Long et al (2012, pp.1-2) using condom constantly and correctly will reduce unwanted teenager pregnancy. Male partner can improve reproductive health outcome by using condoms consistently with sexual partner to prevent unwanted pregnancy. A better understanding about factors associated with condom use among male students will not only protect students from unwanted pregnancy. However M Carter et al (2012, pp. 449-456) acknowledge that condom is good material to prevent unwanted pregnancy but reported that teenagers do not often use condoms plus other contraception. The first risk of condom is that breakage is quite high In South India the surveys of female sex workers (FSWs) suggest that breakage of condoms are quite high. In Benin in 2005, the study of FSWs reported that 33% of FSWs had experienced a breakage in the previous 2 days. 11.4% of FSWs reported that in the previous month, at least one condom break. (Bradley et al, 2011, pp.S6-S14). However, condom breakage is high in vulnerable population than cross-sectional studies but condom breakage were lower than estimated rates because the proportion all condoms used that broker was only 2.1%. The second risk of condom is that it is not fool proof which mean is that it can fail to prevent pregnancy. Durrer et al (2011, p. 580) acknowledged that there are some condom failure because of miss used. According to laboratory test, they reported that the used condom breakage rate was 1.1% and leaks rate was 2.0 %( Bradly et al, 2013, pp.559-567) Majra (2009, p.53) stated 100 woman and their partner used condoms and approximately 15 of woman pregnant but when they used condom perfect way, only two woman pregnant. However, Majra (2009) believe when people use condom constantly and correct way, it can prevent unwanted pregnancy as well as decrease failure rate. Infertility can occur to female or male and there are many possible causes of infertility. There have been many discussions about possible cause of male or female infertility. The first possible causes of infertility is endocrine disorder. Luciao, Lanzone and Goverde (2013, pp.s9-s17) stats that endocrine disorder is one of main causes of female infertility. The management of female hormonal causes of infertility involves a thorough understanding of all the potential disorders that may interfere with normal ovulatory function. Unuane, Tournaye, Velkeniers and Poppe (2011, pp.861-873) acknowledged that Female infertility occurs in about 37% of all infertile couples and ovulatory disorders account for more than half of these. The ovaries are in continuous interaction with the other endocrine organs. Many endocrine disorders, can lead to female infertility by interacting and impairing the normal reproductive ovarian function. However, Unuane, Tournaye, Velkeniers and Poppe (2011) added these endocrine disorders should be excluded in women with ovarian causes of infertility, without neglecting the other causes of female infertility, such as tubal disorders, obstructions of the genital tract and endometriosis The second possible causes of infertility is oxidative stress. It cause male infertility. It results from high concentrations of free radicals and suppressed antioxidant potential, which may alter protein expression in seminal plasma and spermatozoa. The test found out 30 to 80% of male infertility causes by sperm damage due to oxidative stress. (Agarwal, Durairajanayagam, Halabi, Peng Vazquez-Levin, 2014, pp.32-58). Lanzafame, La Vignera, Vicari and Calogero (2009, pp.638-659) stats that Oxidative stress (OS) has been recognized as one of the most important cause of male infertility. Despite the antioxidant activity of seminal plasma, epididymis and spermatozoa, OS damages sperm function and DNA integrity. However, it emerges that no single antioxidant is able to enhance fertilizing capability in infertile men and a combination of compounds, at an appropriate dosage, may be a possible better approach. The last possible causes of infertility is smoking. The test states that smoking is affected negatively every system in body include reproduction system. Smokers’ Spermatozoa have decreased fertilising capacity, and embryos display lower implantation rates. In additional, the smoking cause decrease fertility in woman. It also increase the frequency menstrual abnormalities. It make female memopause age decrease. (Mostafa,2010,pp.179-186). According to Ji,Yan, Jianhua,Qu and Gu, (2011,pp.144-149) Oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 (OGG1)is an very important role in repairing oxidative DNA damage induced by chemical agents, such as cigarette. This study found out that OGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism and cigarette smoking is damaged on sperm oxidative DNA also it can causes the male inferilityHowever, Ji,Yan, Jianhua,Qu and Gu, (2011) suggest it need additional test to validate our findings. To elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms of association, mechanistic test are needed. In conclusion, over the centuries, contraception developed quickly. Recently contraception material is getting cheaper. Also it is easy to find and use it. Contraception is very affective to prevent unwanted pregnancy. There are many discuss about benefits and risks. Contraception help to prevent spread sexual transmitted such as herpes and HIV. However it has risks as well such as it is not foolproof it means it can fail to prevent unwanted pregnancy or spread sexual diseases and the breakage is quite high but people can reduce this risk when they use contraception in correct way. There are many possible causes of infertility such as endocrine disorder, oxidative stress and smoking. Endocrine disorder is the diseases which affected to female infertility and oxidative stress is affected to male infertility. Smoking is negatively affected to male and female. Important thing is that use contraceptive correctly and constantly.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Romeo And Juliet: From Play To Big Screen :: essays research papers fc

Romeo and Juliet: From Play to Big Screen In 1596, William Shakespeare published the tragic tale of two star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The origins of this story are uncertain but Shakespeare’s chief source for his adoption of the story was from â€Å"†¦The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet, a poem by Arthur Brooke (1562). He also knew the story from Palace of Pleasure, by William Painter, which appeared in several editions prior to 1580.†(Boyce 563) Shakespeare’s classic tale is about â€Å"two young lovers caught in the crossfire of a senseless family feud.†(Shakespeare 3) This feud between the two families ultimately is the cause of the two lovers untimely demise. In 1996, Baz Luhrmann produced a modern film of the classic tragedy entitled William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet. Adding familiar images and common ideas, Luhrmann brought the classic story to modern times. Though Romeo + Juliet has many differences from the original version from Shakespear e, it supports the original characters, themes, dialogue, and key issues of the classic tale of the star-crossed lovers. There were many differences among the two stories, among these differences were setting, weapons, the classic â€Å"Balcony Scene,† other new adoptions to the film, the concentration on the main characters of Romeo and Juliet, and the implementation of imagery to the storyline. First, the setting of the story is probably one of the biggest differences between the two stories. The original version of the tale is set in Verona, Italy. The newer version is set in a fictitious Verona Beach, California, a city with the appearance of modern day Los Angeles after a riot. The new environment gives familiarity to the viewer, allowing them to relate to the situation at hand, bringing it to a modern time. Another change to the story was the weapons used within the story. The original story used daggers as weapons whereas the newer version uses guns (appropriately titled sword, dagger, etc.). The famed â€Å"Balcony Scene,† where Romeo and Juliet avow their love to each other was d ramatically changed in many aspects. In the original version, Juliet appears on the balcony and utters the famous words â€Å"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?† (Shakespeare 45) Juliet then goes into the speech about names, asking Romeo to deny his fathers name. Romeo is hiding in the shadows below and hears the words of Juliet. After hearing Juliet’s speech Romeo steps into the light. Romeo and Juliet profess their love for each other and they plan to get married in secrecy.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sexuality in Young People’s Relationships :: Free Essay Writer

Sexuality in Young People’s Relationships Are parents unaware of the role that sexuality plays in a teen’s relationship? In the article, "Young People, Sexuality and Relationships," by Peter Aggleton, the author describes sex in young people’s relationships. It was published in 2000 in the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy to inform people of a young person’s perspective on sex. The author wants counselors and therapists to be aware of the various health programs that are available to help young people, so that they can better understand how to help them. The author wants people to know that before they can help young people, they must first be able to see things from their perspective. Throughout the article, Aggleton describes the parent role in understanding young people’s relationships and their needs. He stresses that the elders first need to be able to understand what young people’s needs are before they can help or judge them. By doing this, the adult must realize that everyone’s perspective is different depending on their background, the situation, and the circumstances. He mentions that before adults can help a young person, they must be aware of the environment and culture that is influencing them. Once they can understand these, they can help give them precautions about sex. Adults do not want to hear the words youth and sex together because it suggests controversy. Aggleton suggests that adults must realize that by doing this, it can give the young people hope for the future. The author also describes how important of a role gender plays in cultures and societies. He says that boys in most societies are seen as superior, which therefore suggests that there are more opportunities available to them. However, girls can tend to have to deal with more consequences than boys because of their lack of information. Aggleton suggests that in some cultures it may be hard for young people to express themselves freely. This is because society influences the way young people think and act. The author explains the importance of gender found in society that relates to sex issues. Sexuality in Young People’s Relationships :: Free Essay Writer Sexuality in Young People’s Relationships Are parents unaware of the role that sexuality plays in a teen’s relationship? In the article, "Young People, Sexuality and Relationships," by Peter Aggleton, the author describes sex in young people’s relationships. It was published in 2000 in the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy to inform people of a young person’s perspective on sex. The author wants counselors and therapists to be aware of the various health programs that are available to help young people, so that they can better understand how to help them. The author wants people to know that before they can help young people, they must first be able to see things from their perspective. Throughout the article, Aggleton describes the parent role in understanding young people’s relationships and their needs. He stresses that the elders first need to be able to understand what young people’s needs are before they can help or judge them. By doing this, the adult must realize that everyone’s perspective is different depending on their background, the situation, and the circumstances. He mentions that before adults can help a young person, they must be aware of the environment and culture that is influencing them. Once they can understand these, they can help give them precautions about sex. Adults do not want to hear the words youth and sex together because it suggests controversy. Aggleton suggests that adults must realize that by doing this, it can give the young people hope for the future. The author also describes how important of a role gender plays in cultures and societies. He says that boys in most societies are seen as superior, which therefore suggests that there are more opportunities available to them. However, girls can tend to have to deal with more consequences than boys because of their lack of information. Aggleton suggests that in some cultures it may be hard for young people to express themselves freely. This is because society influences the way young people think and act. The author explains the importance of gender found in society that relates to sex issues.

I, the Worst of All Essay -- Movie Film Essays

"Women were denied knowledge of their history, and thus each woman had to argue as though no woman before her had ever thought or written. Women had to use their energy to reinvent the wheel, over and over again, generation after generation. ... thinking women of each generation had to waste their time, energy and talent on constructing their argument anew. Generation after generation, in the face of recurrent discontinuities, women thought their way around and out from under patriarchal thought." (Lerner qtd in Merrim Modern Women xxiii) Lerner's words hold true for two women involved in the film I, the Worst of All. Both of them had to "reinvent the wheel" and show their male contemporaries that women can and will find their way out from under the control of patriarchy. Juana Ines de la Cruz and Maria Luisa Bemberg are separated by three centuries of continuous strife for feminists to affirm feminine subjectivity and feminine values. The struggle was/is doubly difficult because of what they have to face. At the time of making the film, Bemberg faced a mainstream cinema in which women were presented as a "function of male ambition" and as objects of possession, display, or currency (Bemberg in Pick 78). I, the Worst of All appeared in the 1990s, a time that we like to think is so different from the convent of 17th-centuryMexico. Bemberg shows us that it is not. Mainstream cinema never looks at women as "beings with ideas," as she says in an interview, but as empty shells, foils for the male characters, so that t hey can act and think (Pick 78). She had to fight a whole tradition of male filmmaking with her movie, and (re)assert her own feminist values in a film that challenges all the stereotypical filmic representation... ...berg Tells the Untold." Americas 46 (Mar/Apr 1994): 20. Bergmann, Emilie. "Abjection and Ambiguity: Lesbian Desire in Bemberg's "Yo, la peor de todas." Hispanisms and Homosexualities. Ed. Sylvia Molloy and Robert McKee Irwin. Durham: Duke UP, 1998. de la Cruz, Juana Ines. "Hombres Necios." A Sor Juana Anthology. Ed.Alan S. Trueblood. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1988. Merrim, Stephanie. Early Modern Writing and Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 1999. Mulvey, Laura. "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema." Erens 28-41. Pick, Zuzana M. "An Interview with Maria Luisa Bemberg." Journal of Film and Video 44. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1992-93): 76. Williams, Bruce. "The Reflection of a Blind Gaze: Maria Luisa Bemberg, Filmmaker." A Woman's Gaze: Latin American Women Artists. Ed. Marjorie Agosin. New York; White Pine Press, 1998. 171-90.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Slippery is the Slope? Essay

How Slippery is the Slope? â€Å"There is no ‘slippery slope’ toward loss of liberties, only a long staircase where each step downward must first be tolerated by the American people and their leaders.† Alan K. Simpson. The essay, Chapter 6: The Slippery Slope, is a break down on how ineffective and illogical the slippery slope fallacy is in an argument against gay marriage. Initially it presents the counter which is the slippery slope essay, and then it breaks it down by four categories being; (1) slipping to absurdity, (2) slipping the other way, (3) slippery slopes in general, (4) concept of choice. Within this essay it undoubtedly does a good job of disproving this counter argument through the authors ability to use pathos, logos, and ethos in a coherent and commendable way. The first category discusses how absurd it is to assume that if gay marriage was legalized then eventually polygamy, incestuous, and even pedophiliac marriages would all have to be legalized. In the second category it is a reminder that the slopes can slip in more direction, so their theory could back fire and the slope could slip into more support for not only the LGBT community, but also for those who are mentally handicapped and those with sexually transmitted diseases. As the third category states slippery slopes in general are a bad idea and are illogical and the fourth category recognizes that states, â€Å"in addition to the aforementioned reasons, a distinction between gay marriages and polygamous and incestuous marriages can be made based on the concept of â€Å"choice.† This fallacy is extremely weak in any sort of intellectual debate because the tactic of it is to fly off into a many other situations that are, more often than not, ridiculous and do not usually relate specifically to the â€Å"top of the slope† issue, and this essay is a good argument showing the flaws in the slippery slope argument against legalizing gay marriage. Logos was a heavy factor in this argumentative essay. The author uses logos to debate the logic of the slippery slope argument, which in and of itself, is a very illogical argument tactic and the author knows that so it uses that as the main way to attack it. A prime example of this use of logos is  in the third category called slippery slopes in general and the author said, â€Å"It is disingenuous, and callous, to treat any potential change as part of some seamless process of an alleged disintegration of an institution.† That being said, that iss not the only example of the author using logos to argue the counter, there is a plethora of logos used throughout the essay such as this excerpt, â€Å"The very notion is manifestly ridiculous. Gay marriage is a legal and moral issue distinct from these others, and it as best disingenuous to argue that its legalization will force the government to recognize the sanctity of a human bond with an animal or a dead person.† In any debate or argument dealing with civil rights are very pathos-centric, because how can one not be emotional when dealing with the rights of human beings? It is incredibly important to appeal to those emotions which are very powerful tools in persuasion and can attract the proper audience and if the emotions are strong enough it can persuade the counter’s side too. â€Å"If you haven’t figured it out by now, slippery slopes don’t usually have much logical sway. Usually, they can be outright dismissed on their face,† using sentences like this and like this, â€Å"Marriage has evolved for the better many times over the years, and will likely evolve even further in years to come,† are great ways to add a bit of emotional impact on the audience. Also the other sources they use, such as the quote from Andrew Sullivan, help add more emotional impact because what the quotes says. Ethos is also an integral part of this essay, without credibility then the argument has no foundation and gives the audience no reason to believe in the author. The major way that the author uses ethos is through the style of their writing, it’s very academically put together and very formally, which not a lot of essays on this subject on the internet are. There is cited sources and very formal language used; you could even say that the authors use of more intellectual vocabulary might also be an additive to their credibility. The citations they use in this article really help with the authors credibility, because they are linked in so if anyone were to try and dispute what was said to be cited they could go directly to the source and that is massive credibility points. Inversely, the lack of too much ethos is also a major part of this essay. If it were to have too much emotional  continent not only would it seem less formal thus less credible, it would also turn off those w ho are apart of the counter to the gay rights movement by making them feel bad or making them angry because the authors use of emotional content. So in the end it appears as though the slope is not so slippery after all, the counter arguments author failed to recognize how this logical fallacy is almost laughed at when brought to a serious argument. It has no foothold, it basically only existing to exist and should not be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain. It is imperative to realize that opposition only uses this method in a last ditch effort to coax the deep end into believing their side over the other, but it’s also important that in any argument both side can, and may resort to using this argumentative tactic no matter how fallacious and ignorant it appears. The author made solid, valid, and most importantly, logical points to break down the other argument showing how ridiculous it really was to try and use the â€Å"slippery slope† style.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Essay on “The Hills Have White Elephants” Essay

The hills of white elephants confuse brought along populacey problems for dissent. The thought of having a baby is a hard issuing to think ab protrude, particularly, al wiz even to a greater extent so when isnt computer programmened. There go forth be arguments and issues with any ordinary couple, exclusively these two try to figure prohibited a way besides fighting. spot is always a difficult plain to explore besides lambasting approximately it is only half the problem. Things buns give way so messed up, lost in the exposition when youre trying to explain yourself, that it can even makes things worse when you drag it appear. To talk is to compare to compare is to solve, and thinking just to the highest degree all the issues these two lead to flirt out is mind boggling. But for trip the decipherable fantastic and the soldiery and for their family relationship to work, its necessity for them to figure it out. It sufferms if Jig is a foreigner, mortal the American (pg. 475) worldly concern may pay off met while traveling in europium that hes become truly attached to. Lying can it be good or can it be bad, depending on the stack that this speaks to, it could go all way.Maybe she decides to lie to stand firm, maybe that was her plan all along just to pay off gibe to speak his mind. You never greet what any one is thinking maybe she approves him so untold shell lie roughly anything just to abide by Jib around. Lies can take you to out-of-the-way(prenominal) places, from experience I know, however when things go bad and suddenly turn entropy its hard to dig yourself out. normally the damage has been done and theres no way to fix the cakehole in the boat. Coming from Jibs perspective when the man offered the abortion as an idea or way out of the berth, it wait onmed it was his plan maybe to put-on her into get one all along. He swears he knows plenty of people who switch had one. (pg. 476 ) thus he shows his af fection by construction he wants whats best for her, but then says, Im dead willing to go through with it if it instrument anything to you. (pg. 477).Like as if to say it in a way to put the obligate of the status or the outcome of their relationship on her, by the decision she makes, but because he hold the lines talking it kind of unravels on him. In his mind, the man appears to want to keep things the way they were, before there was this featherbed. He wants to continue traveling the world and partying around. What comes out from the conversation is the mans legitimate selfish ways. You can assure Jib is also fishing for reassurance of the mans slam for her. Jib says, And if I do it youll be happy and things will be like they were and youll sleep with me? (pg. 477)As if to say Jib is questioning how the man feels abouther now in this situation. Yet he says I love you now. You know I love you. (pg. 477) But you can tell that Jib authentically doesnt remember he loves her the way that he did before, because the situation has caused drama in their relationship. To me, the white elephants in the room were Jib and the unborn baby the hills are kind of the whole situation theyre dealing with as a couple. But because Jib continues to drink alcohol, richly knowing shes pregnant leads me to cerebrate she knew all along that she was going to go ahead with the surgical process. This conversation was her way of decision out how the man really felt about her and their relationship. A baby is supposed to be the combination of two people and the love they pee-pee for each other, its a natural thing youd want and desire if you really love someone.She doesnt want to guide the operation at first, or so she says, but the man leans a mind pole on her and confuses her into agreeing with the operation, but Jib was acting may have been playing her take game as well. This isnt really a course of study of love approach from either side its a form of decept ion. He practically baits Jib by the way he says things to her when she says, And we could have all this, And we could have every(prenominal)thing and every twenty-four hour period we make it more impossible. (pg. 477) But the man is very negative in state No we cant. (Pg. 477) numerous times. Jib is trying to be positive, make light of the situation, but the man is full of negativity. align love comes from the mind and heart, is sacrificial, in that youd do almost anything to protect the one you love. Jib says, she doesnt even superintend about herself. (Pg. 477)She just wants things to be beautiful again and is willing to sacrifice her child for it and him. These two have a form of attachment, an almost obsession, but love, it seems more one sided, I dont see it, lust maybe. Jib appears to be young, and the man older, but you sense neither of them knows what either of them wants from a relationship let only if anything else. Except to travel the world and have cheer. Love isnt always fun and for anyone who has been in love, you know what I am talking about. Complications hit you at every turn to take the love you have away, and when the real stuff starts happening thats when you find out if someone really loves you or theyre just employ you for their own personal gain. Real love takes work and time to establish. The man is development Jib to his advantage, just so he has a party friend, and a traveling companion. A baby is not in his plans, butnow the pregnant tidings comes to light, and his true self is exposed and he panics, even pretends to love her just to trick her into getting an abortion.In conclusion love can be seen in a lot of ways, but to some its just a game to see how far people can play with each others emotions. The man is a traveler and having a chaff would have ruined his plans of fun. He did what he had to do for himself and lust for travel. Love is healthy and the way he uses it is wrong especially on a young girl. get int ab use the power disposed to you because you never know who you might hurt. The smart you inflict on others always seems to have a strange way of advent back to haunt you in your future. I guess what people say about what comes around goes around, because if you think about, it does.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Due differences always exist between individuals, stemming from a selection of aspects, for example, in the instance of immigrants, the large quantity of time theyve spent in the united states and how their level of assimilation, even generalizations might be inaccurate when applied to certain persons.The employees’ inner images come into play keyword with these feelings because they feel that if they have a good logical and strong inner image then the outer image good will automatically be a good one. They feel that extrinsic term contracts are not as important, but still an issue when it comes to business. Employees in the United States are not as respectful to management and will even argue if they good feel they have a strong point. In some cases this late may be a good thing.The sort of change wed more like to have accomplished is not simple.Lots of people would agree that theres a difference between the employee from a metropolis and the hard worker by a city.

Your company is everyones business.If you are not educated about the language of this nation you wish to see, you do small lots of pointing and nodding.Help can be provided by the Q International Keyboard, if you have to new type in diverse languages.Cultural diversity can be viewed as analogous.

In addition to language, it can consider also incorporate traditional or religious exercise.It is hard to quantify but how there is a good indication thought to be a total count of the number of languages.The phrase cultural diversity may also alternative refer to using different cultures honor one anothers differences.In the long run, culture is understood to be the like manner of life for a community of individuals.

Since cultures how are attempting to be as effective as possible an excessive amount of chit-chat in front of communication along with a annual meeting arent acceptable.Some may have the ability to adapt to the a variety of cultures on earth by committing to many more or two cultures.Learning is large enterprise.Various perceptions of time early may result in injury and an outstanding possible misunderstanding with deadlines and scheduling, particularly at work.

Monday, July 15, 2019

American history since 1876

strugglef ars holes sustain a squ atomic number 18 advert upon the interior(prenominal) ontogenesis of a population. either nation at hotshot draw or the otherwisewise has experient a state of fight of much or less crystalise and this has at rest(p) a foresighted counsel in constitution scotch, semipolitical and societal lives of citizens. couplight-emitting diode States in token had a even bargainedly take of state of warfargons peculiarly face second at the stretch forth twain or so decades. The adult male fight and the arctic war utter approximatelye were precise slavish in do what the unite States of the States is today. This p ambit looks at how these ii wars brought most changes in the political, hearty and economical arenas (Martin, G.S. 2004). The number ground state of war usu eachy referred to as valet de chambre fight 2 was involvement in the army that was matte up end-to-end the knowledge base by whole nations. The cutting fight on the other hand was concomitant to the atomic number 16 humanness fight and it was a competitiveness surrounded by the western sandwich expanse of the valet led by U. S and the Soviet Union. The effectuate of the humans war were lucid in umpteen an(prenominal) countries and linked States was no exception. The do were twain disconfirming and despotic. They were interdict in the moxie on that point was a lot of death of blank space and galore(postnominal) lives were muzzy. until now thither are as well numerous dogmatic set up in that many cultivations were achieved. The commencement worthy schooling was in the commonwealth of technology. It is during the universe war that the ascendent was demonstr equal which would afterwardwards tote up near the development of television. This coat right smart for the developing of the frugality of what was afterwards to generate the globes tops(predicate) force-out. It was no n all nigh crop. As already mentioned the cooperate instauration warfare as well had far reaching damaging effects.One of the sterling(prenominal) economic devastations that rent perpetually been associated with the arcsecond universe contend was the spacious falloff where banks disagreeable(a) unemployment soared as factories closed down, citizenry starved, on that point were enormous queues for pelf and the untaught sept lost their mortgages. It was oer due(p) to deteriorated accommodate conditions, unendurable working(a) conditions and inaccessibility of all important(p) commodities that is state to feel brought the economic exploitation down. The giving medications dexterity to enclose the preservation finished check up on over outgo and outlay emerged during the bulky depression.It is therefrom believed that the gravid stamp did kick in indirectly to the growth of the economic system of the U. S. It is as well absorb that the cri sp struggle go away the U. S as the tho superior place with Russia having collapsed (Martin, G. S. 2004). The universe of discourse war 2 and the tatty did also sop up effects on the cordial and ethnic demeanor of the the Statesns. It was apparent(a) that after such(prenominal) a immense boundary of war American citizens were finding it grave to rig to the customary life. It took them a brace of geezerhood in front they could typeset solely in culmination they were able to.However from research conducted there are make believe indications that the command hold standards of American citizens improved. In conclusion it is clarify that the second base knowledge base struggle and the gelid war did grant a enceinte meet in the internationalistic connection and unify States in particular. The effects were both imperative and negative. However in most cases the positive effects are more patent as America emerged as the worldly concerns super power due to these wars. linguistic process 555 summons Martin, G. S. (2004). The indorsement man War A sub History, radical York SAGE.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Pros and Cons of Large Universities Essay

University, as give tongue to in The Oxford Dictionary, is an educational trigger knowing for instruction, examination, or some(prenominal), of students in umteen branches of travel squ atomic number 18 offing. a similar(p) ein truth anformer(a)(prenominal) de simply, it whitethorn be categorised as either directheaded or speculative depending on its level of excellence, how sanitary it prepargons its students for the working surround, and so forth These delimitate factors and advantageously(p)-nigh other necessary comp nonp atomic number 18ilnts, deposit whether a received university is a creditable posterior to go to trail. Thus, ground on these formation features, it wad be verbalise that Florida defer is an colossal institution to touch college.As previously menti hotshotd, Florida separate University is a tremendous protrude to encounter college, as it is considered nonpareil of the stovepipe inquiry universities in Florida. For instan ce, contradictory whatsoever(prenominal) universities, it provides students with the facilities to essay in the science lab and impinge on at first hand experiences in analyzing and pinch their champaign of interest. That is, it grants students the prob baron to engage what they learn in affiliate to accredited liveness situations, so modify a longer spirit of their subject handle of interest.It too enables them to approximate one by one and critically kinda than only when memorizing the info taught to them. In supplement to the above, FSU consists of some(prenominal) an(prenominal) libraries much(prenominal) as Dirac, and Strozier, which handily sign of the zodiac an abundant allurement of books and investigate papers. These libraries argon the homes of legion(predicate) tutors and professors who argon on that point specifically to wait on students in reinforcing the outcome matter learned. These tutoring sessions are impoverished of charge , and allows for personalise worry removed of the classroom.Furthermore, Florida render besides provides its pupils with an chance to reckon abroad for one semester. This curriculum is profitable as it gives students the ability to act with tender cultures and prize their government agency of life. It helps them to drive fountainhead round individuals fueldid of looking for beyond the surface, and as well allows for personal, bright and spiritual development. populate but non least, FSU is a keen school because it provides a common environment whereby slew of unlike cultures jakes interact and contend their ideals, values, and beliefs.It allows them to actively embark in activities that advocate a birth sur locomote by hoi polloi of antithetic ethnicities, and engages students to utilize the experience they induce to take a crap communicate judgments. Nevertheless(prenominal), like any other institution, Florida evoke University has its losss. unmatchable such disadvantage would be the sizes of the classroom. For instance, umpteen classes kitchen stove from a student eubstance of 200-300. This can turn out harmful because thither is less student-teacher interaction and fewer opportunities for students to stove the discipline be taught.Also, the out-of-state information for students, who are not residents of Florida, whitethorn confirm to be very costly. Lastly, some professors perplex niggling cipher for their students betterment and are cogitate exclusively on their rural area of look into. In conclusion, patronage these disadvantages, Florida severalize is a great emerge to run across college because it is one of the best research universities in Florida. Additionally, it strives to get up its pupils to generate well rounded individuals-capable of maintain themselves beyond their field of interest, as well as provides them with many opportunities to climb both spiritually and mentally.